How Long Can You Keep Your Teeth With Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease or periodontitis, can significantly impact the longevity of your teeth.

The duration you can keep your teeth with gum disease depends on several factors. Your dentist will need to assess your teeth and gums in person, measure how deep your gum pockets are and take X-rays to see how much bone loss has occurred. Only then can anyone tell you how long you can expect to keep your teeth for.

If well treated, even the most severely affected teeth can be kept forever however the main factors that affect how long your teeth will last are:

  1. Stage of the Disease: Periodontal disease progresses through stages, from gingivitis to advanced periodontitis. The earlier it's diagnosed and treated, the better the chances of keeping your teeth longer.

  2. Treatment and Management: Regular and effective treatment can slow down or even halt the progression of periodontal disease. This includes professional cleanings, possibly periodontal surgery, and strict oral hygiene practices.

  3. Individual Factors: Each person's oral health is unique. Factors like overall health, genetics, smoking, and oral hygiene practices can influence how you can keep your teeth with periodontal disease.

  4. Regular Dental Visits: Regular check-ups with a dentist can help in the early detection and management of periodontal disease, which is crucial in maintaining dental health.

  5. Lifestyle Choices: Smoking and poor diet can exacerbate periodontal disease, while a healthy lifestyle can help manage it better.

If periodontal disease is caught early and managed well, it's possible to keep your teeth for many years, if not forever.

However, in more advanced stages, tooth loss can become inevitable. It's essential to consult with a dental professional for personalised advice and treatment.

If you want information about gum disease, read our complete guide to periodontitis here.

Or, if you want to speak to one of our online dentists about your gum health and get a better idea of how long you can expect to keep your teeth, click on the button below.

Dr Zaeem Jafri BDS

Zaeem is a general and cosmetic dentist and the founder of Nova Smiles. He is also the clinical director of a private dental practice in London carrying out general and cosmetic work.

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