Craze Lines

Last updated: 19 June 2024

Written by Dr Zaeem Jafri

Craze lines are tiny, superficial cracks that appear on the enamel of your teeth. Unlike more severe cracks or fractures, craze lines are typically shallow and only affect the outermost layer of the tooth. They're pretty common and can occur in both adults and children.


What Do Craze Lines Look Like?

Craze lines usually present as fine, vertical lines that run along the surface of the tooth.

They can vary in visibility; sometimes, they are barely noticeable, while other times, they can be more pronounced, especially if they collect stains from coffee, tea, or tobacco. They often look like faint hairline cracks and are most commonly found on the front teeth.

Craze lines visible across all teeth

Mild craze lines visible across the teeth

Should You Be Concerned?

In most cases, craze lines are a cosmetic issue rather than a serious dental health problem. However, if you notice any of the following, it's a good idea to consult your dentist:

  • Discoloration: If the lines become stained and more visible, you might want to address them for aesthetic reasons.

  • Sensitivity: If you experience sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages, this could indicate a deeper issue.

  • Pain: Any pain or discomfort should be evaluated to rule out more serious dental conditions.

Craze lines vs Cracked teeth

Craze lines and cracked teeth are often confused, but they are distinctly different in terms of severity and treatment.

Craze lines are minor, superficial cracks in the enamel, typically caused by normal wear and tear, and are usually harmless, posing more of a cosmetic concern than a health issue. They are thin, vertical lines that can become stained but generally do not affect the tooth's structural integrity.

On the other hand, cracked teeth are more serious and involve deeper fractures that can extend into the dentin or even the pulp of the tooth.

Cracked teeth can result from trauma, excessive grinding, or biting on hard objects and often cause pain, sensitivity, and an increased risk of infection.

Treatment for cracked teeth is more urgent and may involve procedures like bonding, crowns, or even root canals to prevent further damage and preserve the tooth. While craze lines can be managed with cosmetic treatments, cracked teeth require prompt professional intervention to maintain oral health.

What Should You Do If You Have Craze Lines?

  1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing help prevent stains and keep your teeth looking their best. Use a toothpaste designed for whitening or one that helps protect enamel.

  2. Limit Staining Foods and Beverages: Reducing your intake of coffee, tea, red wine, and other staining substances can help keep craze lines less visible.

  3. Consider Professional Whitening: If the craze lines have become discolored, professional teeth whitening can help reduce their appearance. Speak to your dentist about the best options for your teeth.

  4. Dental Bonding or Veneers: For those who are particularly concerned about the appearance of craze lines, cosmetic treatments like dental bonding or veneers can provide a more permanent solution by covering the lines.

  5. Regular Dental Check-Ups: Routine visits to your dentist can ensure that any minor issues like craze lines are monitored and managed before they become more significant problems.

Preventing Craze Lines

There are a few things that you can do to prevent craze lines from developing:

  • Wearing a mouthguard, particularly during activities like sports or even while sleeping if you grind your teeth, provides a cushion that absorbs and redistributes the force, protecting your teeth from impacts and excessive pressure.

  • Avoiding biting hard objects (like ice or pens)

  • Not using your teeth as tools

  • Minimising the consumption of hard or sticky foods can significantly reduce the risk of developing craze lines.

Treatment options for Craze Lines

Craze lines are typically harmless. However, they can be a cosmetic concern, especially if stained. If you're looking to improve the appearance of your teeth and address craze lines, here are several effective options:

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening can help lighten the appearance of craze lines, especially if they have become discoloured. Dentists offer in-office treatments that use stronger bleaching agents than over-the-counter options, providing more noticeable results.

Composite Bonding

In composite bonding, a tooth-coloured resin is applied to the affected teeth, covering craze lines and improving the overall appearance. This procedure is quick, minimally invasive, and can usually be completed in a single visit.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells custom-made to fit over the front surface of your teeth. They can effectively hide craze lines and provide a durable, natural-looking improvement to your smile. Veneers require removing a small amount of enamel, so it's a more permanent solution.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown might be recommended for more severe cases or if the tooth's structural integrity is compromised. Crowns cover the entire tooth, providing strength and a uniform appearance. This option is more invasive but offers robust protection and aesthetics.


Craze lines are a common and generally harmless dental issue that many people experience.

By maintaining good oral hygiene, limiting staining foods and beverages, and consulting with your dentist for cosmetic options, you can keep your smile looking its best.

If you have any concerns about the appearance or health of your teeth, don't hesitate to reach out to your dental professional for personalised advice.

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