Risks and side effects of professional teeth whitening

Last updated: 14th January 2022 by Dr Zaeem Jafri

Professional teeth whitening is a safe and simple process. Just like with any other medical procedure, before proceeding you need to know about some things that you may experience.


Most people experience some mild sensitivity in the first 2-3 days. A handful of people may carry on experiencing some sensitivity for the duration of the whitening and there are several different ways that your dentist will handle this. De-sensitising toothpaste is a great place to start.

If you do get sensitive teeth then you can be assured that once you stop whitening it will go away.

Gum irritation

You may notice some gum irritation and redness if the whitening gel leaks out from around your tray. Don’t worry, your gums will heal and this usually occurs if you have put too much whitening gel in the tray. Just put less gel in next time and make sure your tray is fitting properly. If in doubt contact your dentist.

Existing white spots will get whiter, then fade back

Any minor white spots will look much whiter very quickly when you start whitening. once the rest of the tooth catches up then the white spot will not be as obvious. Make sure you take a close look at your teeth to see if you have any minor white patches before starting.

Canine teeth may take a little bit longer to whiten

Canine teeth are naturally a thicker shape and therefore look darker. Once you have finished whitening you may want to carry on whitening your canine teeth individually to let them catch up.

The necks of your teeth will always look darker than the edges

Your teeth are naturally graded in colour. If you want your entire tooth to become one block colour, then you need to consider having composite bonding or porcelain veneers.

Any questions?

Feel free to chat with one of our dentists with any questions you have, we will get back to you within a day!