White Spots on teeth

Last updated: 28th June 2023

By Dr Zaeem Jafri, London

White spots and other kinds of discolouration of teeth are very common. They occur if something has affected the mineral structure of your teeth. Some common causes include:

  • Decay - Tooth decay or demineralisation that has now become stable

  • Fluorosis - Usually if you ingested too much fluoride as a baby

  • Trauma - Falling on your teeth as a child can disrupt the development of your adult teeth

  • Genetics - Some genetic conditions can result in the enamel not developing properly

  • Medical conditions - Some medical conditions can affect how your teeth develop

The extent to which each of the above affects your teeth can vary greatly. Sometimes these areas can be localised to a single spot on a single tooth, and other times it can be more widespread.

Localised white spots

Localised white spots

Milder and more generalised white areas

Milder and more generalised white areas

Demineralisation commonly found after braces

Demineralisation commonly found after braces

How to treat white spots

The steps below highlight the stages your dentist should take to treat your white spots. Steps 1-3 most likely won’t get rid of the white spots completely but will improve them enough to improve the look of your teeth socially. Steps 4 and 5 are more invasive but will provide the ideal outcome and are still safe if done by an experienced and well-trained dentist. The key thing for you is to stop at the point where you are comfortable with the appearance of your teeth.

Step 1

Good Oral Hygiene

Before embarking on any treatment you need to make sure that you are keeping your teeth clean. Follow our guide to make sure you are looking after your teeth properly.

Step 2

Teeth Whitening

Even though it sounds counter-productive, the first stage of treating these white spots is to whiten your teeth. When you whiten your teeth, the white spots will actually get a bit whiter, but the rest of the tooth will whiten also which can reduce the contrast between the white spot and the tooth. Overall it improves the appearance of your teeth and makes the white spots less obvious.

Step 3

Resin Infiltration (ICON)

Resin infiltration is a relatively new procedure and a lot of dentists may not be aware or trained in providing it. It’s a really simple way to manage white spots and can be extremely effective.

Performed after whitening, resin infiltration involves using an acid (a very normal and safe thing to do in the hands of the dentist) to soften the surface of your enamel and infiltrate the white spots with a resin that minimises how visible those white spots are. The treatment is pain-free, doesn’t require any anaesthetic, drills or needles.

Sometimes the dentist may need to place a small layer of composite resin over the area where the white spot was to smoothen the roughened surface of the tooth. If the initial white spot is very deep then the dentist may plan to remove some of the tooth with a drill to ensure a good result.


Step 4

Composite Bonding

If the white spot is too deep or thick, then the only option to improve the appearance may be to remove that part of the tooth and restore that area with some composite bonding. This works just like a filling and is more invasive than the steps above however it will allow your dentist to have more control over the final result.

Step 5

Porcelain or Composite Veneers

If your white spots are deep, thick and spread over your teeth, then the only option you may have is to have veneers placed on your teeth. This is going to be the most invasive and expensive options but unfortunately a necessity in some cases.

Remember that veneers (either composite or porcelain) in the right hands don’t need to be destructive. Your dentist should speak to you about how they plan on minimising the damage to your teeth and in some cases, you may not even need to touch your natural teeth at all.

Before treatment

Before treatment

After whitening, ICON and composite

After whitening, ICON and composite


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